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The 7 main chakras - Our inner support system for health and happiness


Updated: May 14, 2022

Wouldn't it be great if we would have some sort of integrated system that just tells us where we need to put more focus on in order to become happier and healthier?! Well, we do. That is what our chakras are and what they can help us to achieve if we work with them.

To begin with, the chakras are energy centres in our bodies that are also described as spinning disks or wheels of energy. The word chakra is Sanskrit and means "wheel". We have 7 main chakras that are aligned beginning at the base of the spine, going up to the top of our head. As they are energy they expand outside our body and integrate into our energy fields. Their location is said to be in our astral body. the connection between our physical and our mental consciousness. The chakras are interconnected as well and affect and support each other but also have their own purpose and meaning. Each chakra has certain attributes to it such as colour, symbol, sound, emotional meaning or an element and can be either overactive, underactive or in balance.

Down below I give you an introduction of the 7 main chakras. If you want to go deeper - as there is so much more to it - you find plenty of great literature or information online.

  • The first chakra is the Root Chakra (sanskr. Muladhara Chakra). It is represented by the colour red and is located at the base of the spine and the tailbone area. Its sound or mantra is Lam. The Root Chakra affects our sense of security, safety, being grounded or trust just to name a few. The attributed element is earth.

  • The second chakra, the Sacral Chakra ( Svadisthana Chakra) is centered a few centimetres below the navel. Its colour is orange and its sound is Vam. The Svadisthana is connected to our sexuality, creativity and pleasure. The element it connects with is water.

  • The Solar plexus Chakra (Manipura Chakra) is symbolized by the colour yellow, the element fire, the sound Ram and affects our sense of self-esteem, willpower/drive, beliefs, control or strength. It is located just above the navel.

  • The Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra) has the colour green, the element air and the mantra Yam associated to it. It is located at the center of our chest. The emotional attributes are (self-) love, compassion, acceptance or forgiveness, etc.

  • The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha Chakra), located at the center of our neck is connected to the colour blue. Its mantra is Ham, its element is ether and the emotional connection is our sense of self-expression, communication, purpose and truth.

  • The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna Chakra) is represented by the colour indigo, the element light and the mantra Om. It is connected to our intuition, perception, wisdom, self-knowledge and insight. The Ajna Chakra is located between the eyebrows.

  • The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra) is at the top of our head. Its "sound" is silence, the colour is white or violet and it has no element connected to it. It is connected to pure life energy. Its attributes are spirituality, clarity, enlightenment and connection to the divine.

As mentioned above this is just a very short summery that gives you a quick insight and can help you as a guide towards healing and working with your chakras. Very often physical pain, injuries or ailments are connected to each chakra and are a sign that one of them is out of balance. Check in with yourself and see if you have constant neck pain, sore hips or a headache - this can be a sign of an over- or underactive chakra. On an emotional base if you feel a strong constant lack of financial security for example it can be an imbalanced root chakra. A lack of willpower or depression can be connected to a solar plexus chakra that is in need of healing. The associated issues always go in both directions. That means if you suffer from depression it also brings your chakra out of balance. If you have an eating-disorder for example, it affects your lower chakras. Either way it always makes sense to strengthen your chakras and balance them in order to be more healthy, mentally, emotionally and physically. And, if you live a healthier life and take care of yourself on every level of your being, your energy will automatically become more balanced.

So if you want to work with your chakras there are a lot of different ways to do it. As it is a holistic approach it can happen through almost every area in your being. By wearing or surrounding yourself with the connected colours, by eating food that has the colour of the certain chakra or by having crystals with the attributed chakra for example you can start to strengthen its energy. Another beautiful way to balance the chakras is to include them into a meditation. You can simply focus on the location of a specific chakra, you imagine a light ball in its colour that gets brighter with every breath or you repeat the chakra's mantra. Working on emotional imbalances, through journaling for example, that are associated with a chakra, can be very helpful as well. Also have a look into Yoga postures that affect and activate the chakras connected to them, this too is a great way to work with and balance them.

There are so many ways to include the chakras in your daily life and into your healing. They guide and help you in an almost playful way with specific topics that may need more attention, healing or balance. Listen to your intuition as well as it will bring your attention to the area and the chakra that is in need of it. And don't forget to put love and lightness into whatever you are doing.

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